Public Webhooks API (v1)
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The Webhooks API enables you to get HTTP notifications for subscribed events. See the Webhooks API guide for more details.
Get all registered webhooks
header Parameters
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key required | string Example: da7d5b0e18a84aeda961c0c31b75c2a9 APIM Subscription Key |
Merchant-Serial-Number | string Example: 98765 The merchant serial number, required for merchant login, but optional for ecom-partners. If merchant serial number is included, the partner access the API on behalf of the identified merchant. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Name | string <= 30 characters Example: woocommerce The name of the ecommerce solution. One word in lowercase letters is good. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Version | string <= 30 characters Example: 5.4.0 The version number of the ecommerce solution. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Plugin-Name | string <= 30 characters Example: vipps-woocommerce The name of the ecommerce plugin (if applicable). One word in lowercase letters is good. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Plugin-Version | string <= 30 characters Example: 1.2.1 The version number of the ecommerce plugin (if applicable). See HTTP headers. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "webhooks": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "events": [
- "epayments.payment.captured.v1",
- "epayments.payment.created.v1"
Register webhook
At most 25 webhooks can currently be registered per event, please reach out if a higher limit is required.
header Parameters
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key required | string Example: da7d5b0e18a84aeda961c0c31b75c2a9 APIM Subscription Key |
Merchant-Serial-Number | string Example: 98765 The merchant serial number, required for merchant login, but optional for ecom-partners. If merchant serial number is included, the partner access the API on behalf of the identified merchant. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Name | string <= 30 characters Example: woocommerce The name of the ecommerce solution. One word in lowercase letters is good. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Version | string <= 30 characters Example: 5.4.0 The version number of the ecommerce solution. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Plugin-Name | string <= 30 characters Example: vipps-woocommerce The name of the ecommerce plugin (if applicable). One word in lowercase letters is good. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Plugin-Version | string <= 30 characters Example: 1.2.1 The version number of the ecommerce plugin (if applicable). See HTTP headers. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
url required | string <uri> The URL that updates should be sent to. Must be a valid, world-reachable URL. The URL must use HTTPS. Can not be a URL that redirects to a different URL. We don't send requests to all ports, so to be safe use common ports such as: 80, 443, 8080. |
events required | Array of strings See Webhooks API Events for details. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "events": [
- "epayments.payment.captured.v1",
- "epayments.payment.created.v1"
Response samples
- 201
- 400
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "secret": "090a478d-37ff-4e77-970e-d457aeb26a3a"
Delete webhook
path Parameters
id required | string <uuid> |
header Parameters
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key required | string Example: da7d5b0e18a84aeda961c0c31b75c2a9 APIM Subscription Key |
Merchant-Serial-Number | string Example: 98765 The merchant serial number, required for merchant login, but optional for ecom-partners. If merchant serial number is included, the partner access the API on behalf of the identified merchant. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Name | string <= 30 characters Example: woocommerce The name of the ecommerce solution. One word in lowercase letters is good. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Version | string <= 30 characters Example: 5.4.0 The version number of the ecommerce solution. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Plugin-Name | string <= 30 characters Example: vipps-woocommerce The name of the ecommerce plugin (if applicable). One word in lowercase letters is good. See HTTP headers. |
Vipps-System-Plugin-Version | string <= 30 characters Example: 1.2.1 The version number of the ecommerce plugin (if applicable). See HTTP headers. |
Response samples
- 400
{- "type": "00-bb841c551513e233de8a01472013fa9f-542c71e40916a6ce-00",
- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
- "instance": "/v1/webhooks",
- "traceId": "00-bb841c551513e233de8a01472013fa9f-542c71e40916a6ce-00",
- "extraDetails": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "reason": "string"