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Partner keys

In addition to the normal authentication, we offer Partner keys which allow partners make API calls on behalf of their merchants.

Please note: Partner API keys are only functional in the production environment, not the test environment.

Partner keys are available for the following flows:

If you are a Vipps MobilePay partner managing integrations on behalf of merchants, you can use your partner API credentials to authenticate, and then send the Merchant Serial Number (MSN) to identify which of your merchants you are acting on behalf of.

The main differences between partner key integration and merchant integration are:

  • For merchant integration, authentication is based on the Login access token, described in the Access token section. But for partner key integration, a token is obtained from POST: /accesstoken/get. This is the same token endpoint used for eCom API payments. The token must be passed as a Bearer token in the header (e.g., Authorization: Bearer <access-token>). For partner key integration, this authorization method must be used. The token_endpoint_authentication methods, client_secret_basic and client_secret_post, do not work for partner key integrations.
  • For partner key integration, the Merchant-Serial-Number header must be sent as part of backend requests to identify which merchant you're acting on behalf of.

Read more about partner verification in:

Browser and phone number flows have minor differences and are described in more detail further down.

Partner key when integrating from a website

Authorization endpoint

To initiate a login as partner, redirect the end-user's browser to a /auth URL containing the merchant serial number as a msn query parameter instead of client_id.


This request will return a redirect to a /auth URL where the msn query parameter is replaced by the merchant's client_id

Token endpoint

For the /token endpoint, you should authenticate using an access token. Regular client_secret_basic or client_secret_post does not work for partner key integration.

  1. Fetch access_token
  2. Use the access token in the Authorization header, Bearer access-token.
  3. Add the Merchant-Serial-Number header with the target merchant serial number.

Example request:

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Merchant-Serial-Number: 12345


Partner in Login from phone number flow

The Merchant-Serial-Number header must be sent in the header of all API requests.

  1. Fetch access_token
  2. Use the access token in the Authorization header Bearer access-token
  3. Add the Merchant-Serial-Number header with the target merchant serial number

Example /backchannel/authentication request

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Merchant-Serial-Number: 12345

scope=name address openid&login_hint=urn:msisdn:{msisdn}&state=13821s837213bng26e2n61gege26&nonce=21hebdhwqdb7261bd1b23

Example /token request (without redirect)

For the subsequent token request you should authorize with the same access token and add the Merchant-Serial-Number header as in the /backchannel/authentication request.

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Merchant-Serial-Number: 12345


ID token validation

When acting as a partner on behalf of a merchant's sales unit, you do not have access to the merchant's client_id, which is used for ID token validation. We strongly encourage partners to use the msn claim in the ID token for this purpose and ensure that its value is the same as the Merchant serial number used for the login.


  • The target client must be configured with client_secret_basic authentication.

Merchant Serial Number (MSN)

This is a unique ID for the sales unit. This is a required parameter if you are a partner making API requests on behalf of a merchant. The partner must use the merchant's MSN, not the partner's MSN.

See: How to find the Merchant Serial Number.


For fetching userinfo, the token received during the login flow must be used.

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