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Marketing consents

You can add marketing consents into the login flows.


Additional fees apply for marketing consents. See Login pricing for more details.

Initial marketing consents screenMarketing consents approved
User sees marketing consents in the browserUser confirm marketing consents in the browser

Getting started with marketing consents​

Some elements on the marketing consents screen can be adjusted to fit your needs:

  • The consents requested (both mandatory and optional). The user must acknowledge the mandatory consents before they can complete the flow.
  • A bottom text where we provide some contextual information. The text is fixed, but the links will point to the merchant's terms and conditions, as well as privacy statement.

You can configure marketing consents in the portal, For help, see Portal: How to configure marketing consents.

Vipps MobilePay will function as a data processor and will not have any ownership to the data involved. See merchant terms and conditions for more information.


If you want a consent type that we currently don't support, reach out to us at

Supported consents​

Login has support for the following consents. You may use any of these in your flow, specifying if they are required or optional.

Consent text:

  • email - Email
  • sms - SMS
  • digital - I'd like to receive digital marketing
  • personal - Give me customised offers

If you need other consents, please let us know at


The behavior of the marketing consents screen depends on the integration type:

Browser flow with marketing consents​

Marketing consents are remembered for the user, so they only need to approve them once. This means that if the user has already approved the consents, they will not see the screen again. Forcing previously consented users to consent to new terms can be managed in the merchant portal when you save a new Marketing Consent configuration.

Merchant-initiated login integration with marketing consents​

Users will be asked for marketing consents every time they log in.

Technical details​

To integrate from a website:

For special cases where login does not start in a browser or app:

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