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Vipps PSP API checklist

Only available for Vipps.

Integrate all the API endpoints.

For examples of requests and responses, see the quick start guide.

Vipps PSP API checklistYour comments

Endpoints to integrate

Initiate a PSP payment
Update the status of the PSP transaction
Get the details of the PSP payment
On the merchant side, be able to process EMVCo tokens
Respond with correct error information
POST:makePaymentUrl. See error codes list for possible responses.

Avoid integration pitfalls

Support soft decline step-ups

In case of a soft decline (when the issuer requires 3DS), the PSP must host a 3DSecure session and must provide the URL to Vipps. See PSD2 Compliance and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

Do not rely on pspRedirectUrl

Some users may close Vipps immediately after seeing the payment confirmation, therefore not being "redirected" back to the merchant. Because of this, it is important for the merchant and the PSP to not base their transaction logic on the user reaching the pspRedirectUrl. See PSP Payment Sequence.

Provide reserve, capture, and refund information to Vipps MobilePay

The PSP provides information of every capture and refund to Vipps MobilePay (not just reserve)

Follow design guidelines

The Vipps branding must be according to the Design guidelines.

When the checklist is completed, notify Vipps MobilePay Integration Service at Include examples from the test environment, pilot customer info, and a description of the implemented solution.

We will verify the integration and contact you. After the checklist is approved, we'll send you the information you need to get started.

Live flow

  1. The PSP completes all checklist items.
  2. The PSP contact us with test IDs (pspTransactionId, merchantOrderId) in the test environment, showing that all checklist items have been fulfilled.
  3. The PSP contact us to verify the integration in the production environment:
    • At least one IDs for orders with each of the following statuses: Capture, Refund, Cancel.
    • At least 3 IDs for orders with different error codes.
  4. The PSP goes live 🎉

Operational Status Page

We recommend that you subscribe to the Vipps MobilePay Operational Status Page for real-time updates on service availability, incidents, and maintenance.

High five

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