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All notable changes to the current API will be documented here. See: API Lifecycle.

September 2024

  • List agreements v3 endpoint now support pagination using the pageNumber and pageSize query parameters.

July 2024

  • phoneNumber is validated only if skipLandingPage is set to true If phoneNumber is invalid and skipLandingPage is set to false, the Recurring API ignores the value and the user will have to enter their phone number on the landing page. If phoneNumber is invalid and skipLandingPage is set to true, the Recurring API will return the following error:

    "type": "",
    "title": "Bad Request",
    "status": 400,
    "detail": "Invalid phone number",
    "instance": "/vipps-recurring-merchant-api/v3/agreements",
    "contextId": "8d728430-e5f1-4d76-a045-6a57231618b4"
  • merchantRedirectUrl max length was increased to 2048. See: DraftAgreementV3 definition:

  • Updated Payment Batches Schedule for Danish and Finnish market. The new timings are to avoid the batches running during the scheduled maintenance windows of Vipps MobilePay's vendors/partner banks. See: Payment Batches Schedule:.

May 2024

April 2024

  • Fixed issue that caused some webhooks/callbacks to be sent before amounts were updated, which caused incorrect information in webhooks/callbacks. There is no plan for resending these webhooks/callbacks as of now, please reach out if this has caused any issues.

Mars 2024

  • If externalId is specified on the charge, it will be visible to the user on the charge receipt screen.

February 2024

  • Added new webhook event type recurring.charge-creation-failed.v1. See: Webhooks.

  • Added documentation for charge batch creation endpoint. See: Create multiple charges.

  • Unscheduled charge release. Please note that for MobilePay re-integrating merchants, this is the equivalent of the one-off auto-reserve feature. See: Unscheduled charge.

  • Flexible interval

January 2024

December 2023

  • Fixed released to return extraDetails in error response body format according to the RFC. See: Errors.

November 2023

  • Landing page update. Due to complexity of which price applies to an agreement, whether it's the agreement price, initial charge price, promotional price, etc., the landing page will show agreement names instead of prices.

  • Charge externalId:

    • If specified, the externalId will be used as order ID, meaning it will show up on settlement reports in place of the orderId field.
    • If both orderId and externalId are specified, the externalId will be used as order ID, while orderId will just be used to identify the charge in the Recurring API.

October 2023

  • Fixes in the Recurring OpenAPI spec file:

    • The optional field externalId can be set on an initial charge in the request body of the POST:/recurring/v3/agreements request.
    • createdAfter query parameter on the GET:/recurring/v3/agreements is of type int64.
    • failureReason field returned in the ChargeResponseV3 can be null.
    • chargeId field in the DraftAgreementResponseV3 can be null.
    • campaign field in the AgreementResponseV3 can be null.
    • PricingResponse can either be of type VariableAmountPricingResponse or LegacyPricingResponse.
  • New optional field interval in the PATCH:/recurring/v3/agreements/{agreementId} endpoint, which allows to update the interval of an active agreement.

August 2023

  • Removed charge-amount-too-high-for-interval validation used in charge creation endpoint POST:/recurring/v3/agreements/{agreementId}/charges. The suggestedMaxAmount field for a variable amount agreement should be set to what the maximum amount could be for each charge.

June 2023

  • A new field is returned by the GET:/recurring/v3/agreements/{agreementId} endpoint:
    • vippsConfirmationUrl: previously redirected the user to the landing page in a desktop flow (with https://), or to the Vipps or MobilePay app in a mobile flow (with vipps://), where the user can then approve the agreement.

May 2023

  • New fields returned by the GET:/recurring/v3/agreements/{agreementId} endpoint:

    • merchantAgreementUrl: URL where Vipps can send the customer to view/manage their subscription.
    • merchantRedirectUrl: URL where customer should be redirected after the agreement has been approved/rejected in the Vipps mobile application.
    • created: Date when agreement was created in ISO 8601 format.
  • New fields returned by the GET:/recurring/v3/agreements/{agreementId}/charges/{chargeId} endpoint:

    • retryDays: The service will attempt to charge the customer for the number of days specified in retryDays after the due date.
    • externalAgreementId: Can be used by the merchant to map the agreementId to an ID in a subscription system or similar.

April 2023

March 2023

December 2022

  • Version 3 is available and includes new and improved functionality for campaigns, the ability to reserve and capture charges, and several technical improvements. The migration guide and quick start provide more details for upgrading to v3. Version 2 will be phased out and will no longer be available from November 1, 2023.

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