Webhooks API guide
Webhooks enable real-time communication from Vipps MobilePay to your server. Through our webhooks feature, we can automatically send messages to your application when a specific event occurs.
The Webhooks API allows you to register for receiving notification of a variety of events from our API platform, such as:
- Users scanning your QR codes
- Creating a payment request
- Users authorizing the payment
Your registration will apply to the sales unit specified by Merchant Serial Number.
Once you have registered for an event, you will be notified when any matching events are published for the given sales unit.
The webhooks flow
Event Occurs: An event happens in Vipps MobilePay (e.g., payment authorization, QR code scan).
Webhook Triggered: Vipps MobilePay detects the event and triggers a webhook.
HTTP Request Sent: An HTTP POST request with event details is sent to the predefined webhook endpoint.
Endpoint Receives Data: Your server's endpoint listens for and processes the incoming HTTP POST request.
Process the Data: Your server processes the received data, which may involve updating a database, triggering another process, or sending a notification.
Response: Optionally, your server can send a response back to acknowledge receipt of the webhook.
Webhooks can provide information about payment operations to you. If you need to communicate some change to a payment, you will need to send a new API request from the API you used to create the payment. The Electric vehicle charging flow shows an example of this.
Track status with both webhooks and polling.
In the rare cases where webhooks may be delayed: Poll for payment details. The merchant should not rely on webhooks alone, and should poll according to the polling recommendations.
Webhook operations
👉 See the Quick start guide for a step-by-step example.
Register a webhook
Send the registration request
You can get notifications for events that happen to your sales unit (e.g., get notified when a QR code is scanned).
Register for an event with
Specify the URL where you will receive the webhook notifications.
For example:
curl -X POST https://apitest.vipps.no/webhooks/v1/webhooks \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN" \
-H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-KEY" \
-H "Merchant-Serial-Number: YOUR-MSN" \
--data '{
"url": "CALLBACK-URL",
"events": ["epayments.payment.captured.v1"]
Replace the above placeholders with your API keys and the callback URL of the web server where we should send the webhook notifications. If you don't have a callback URL, see the Quick start guide for a way to test it temporarily.
You will receive a confirmation that the webhook registration was successful. For example:
Take note of the secret
, because you will need this for validating that the content of the webhook
hasn't been tampered with. For details, see How to authenticate the webhook event.
Webhook limits
For each sales unit (MSN), the following restrictions apply:
- ePayment API events - Max 25 webhook registrations per event type per sales unit (MSN)
- Login API events - Max 25 webhook registrations per event type per sales unit (MSN)
- QR API events - Max one webhook registration per event type per sales unit (MSN)
- Recurring API events - Max 25 webhook registrations per event type per sales unit (MSN)
For example, a merchant can register to receive webhooks for as many as 25 different URLs for any of the epayment event types relating to an MSN.
A partner can have this specified number of webhooks for every sales unit (MSNs) they manage. Partner webhook counts are completely independent of merchant webhook counts.
Receive the webhook notification
Whenever your selected events occur, we will send you a notification. You will need to listen for this, authenticate it, and then process the content.
Get the reply
The webhook notification, in the form of an HTTP POST request, is sent to the URL address you supplied. Your server's endpoint listens for and processes the incoming HTTP POST request.
Failed webhook notifications are retried with an exponential backoff for up to 7 days. See Webhook retry strategy for more details.
Authenticate the reply
Validate the webhook, to ensure that the content hasn't been tampered with. For details, see How to authenticate the webhook event.
Process the payload
Once a notification is authenticated, you will be able to receive its payload. This is sent as a
request to the callback URL you registered. For example:{
}This is the payload from the ePayment API webhook. Each API determines the format of their payloads, so be sure to check the event formats for the applicable format.
Get a summary of all webhooks
Send GET:/webhooks/v1/webhooks
to get an array of all your registered webhooks, with corresponding IDs.
You can use the ID to delete the webhook, if needed.
curl -X GET https://apitest.vipps.no/webhooks/v1/webhooks \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN" \
-H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-KEY" \
-H "Merchant-Serial-Number: YOUR-MSN" \
--data ''
Example response:
"webhooks": [
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"events": [
Delete a webhook registration
Send DELETE:/v1/webhooks/{id}
to delete a webhook registration.
Specify the <WEBHOOK-ID>
for the webhook to delete.
curl -X DELETE https://apitest.vipps.no/webhooks/v1/webhooks/<WEBHOOK-ID> \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN" \
-H 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-KEY' \
-H 'Merchant-Serial-Number: YOUR-MSN' \
--data ''
Webhook retry strategy
Failed webhook notifications are retried with an exponential backoff for up to 7 days. After all retries are exhausted, the notification is never sent again. This applies to both new and previously created webhooks.
The delivery order of failed webhook notifications is guaranteed in order per registered webhook. That means your server needs to accept all preceding requests for a given payment, before any new notifications can be received for the same payment.
For example, if you reply with HTTP 500 Server Error
to an authorization notification,
a new notification about the same payment being captured will not be sent
unless you reply with a successful HTTP status code, like HTTP 200 OK
, to one of the retry attempts.
Any response with HTTP status code in range 4-5xx or no response within 10 seconds will result in a retry. Delay between retries will be progressively slower to not overwhelm receivers.
After the first failure, this is the retry strategy:
- First 4 retry attempts: Wait 2 seconds between each retry.
- 5th attempt: Wait 60 seconds before retrying.
- 6th attempt: Wait 120 seconds before retrying.
- Attempts 7 to 29: Wait 1 hour between each retry.
- After 29 attempts: Wait 1 day between each retry.
We reserve the right to modify the webhooks timing and retry strategy to improve service quality. You should not base your logic on this retry scheme.
Partner webhooks
As a partner, you can access endpoints with your usual key, client ID, and secret, without MSN. Any webhooks registered by a partner will trigger for the subscribed events from ANY sales unit registered to the given partner. This is also applicable for sales unit that are created in the future.