Looking for help?
Non-technical questions or business support
Contact business support for general questions (e.g., customer relationship, creating sales units, change of admins).
Knowledge base
The knowledge base provides articles about Vipps MobilePay services.
Popular topics
Everything about testing
Get a test user. Find your API keys and get a test app. Find out how to get started with testing the features.
Is Vipps MobilePay running?
See the Production status page or get an overview of the test and production environments.
What's the status of my order?
See How to check the status of your order.
I use a plugin and need help
If you're using a plugin (e.g., WooCommerce, Shopify, Adobe), please see Help with plugins.
I use a partner or PSP and I need help
If you are using a partner or Payment Service Provider (PSP), please contact them directly for help.
I am a partner and need help
Check the partner documentation and our partner site for information. For business inquiries, contact your partner manager or partner@vippsmobilepay.com. For technical issues, follow the instructions below.
I'm migrating from the MobilePay façade
See the MobilePay migration guides. 💙
Need help with technical questions about our APIs?
For quickest resolution, please provide the following:
- A detailed description of the problem with a step-by-step description of what you do and what happens.
- Business/organization details: Organization number and Merchant Serial Number (MSN).
- For API issues, include: endpoint, request, response, timestamp,
. No source code, please. - Important: Remove everything except the last four characters from
. - Include date and
, and preferably alsotransactionId
. - Screenshots and other relevant or helpful information.
- Contact information, including your name and email.