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Landing page

The Vipps MobilePay landing page is a web page where customers are directed after initiating a payment or trying to log in on a device where the Vipps MobilePay app is not installed. They enter their phone number, click Next, and then open the app on their phone to authorize the payment/login.

You will typically use this for websites targeted for use in browsers.

Vipps landing page

The landing page is mandatory for payments initiated on a different device than the user's phone. It provides a consistent and recognizable user experience that helps guide the user through the payment flow.

Our data shows that the landing page gives a higher success rate and lower drop-off, because the users get a familiar user experience and know the payment flow. In this way, we take responsibility for helping the user from the browser to the app, and to complete the payment in a familiar way.

Important notes

  • Users should never see the landing page on a device where the Vipps or MobilePay app is installed.
  • Any optimization of the normal payment flow may break the payment flow - if not today, then later.
  • The default behavior and our recommendations are based on years of experience and data, and we continuously monitor and improve it.

Vipps landing page

Language settings

The text on the landing page adapts to the user's regional settings. Available language options include English (default), Danish, Finnish, and Norwegian. Users can switch languages using the dropdown menu located in the header.

User flow

When a payment is initiated, the user is directed to a url which will either open the Vipps or MobilePay app, MobilePay app, or the landing page:

  • In a mobile browser, the app will automatically be opened with app switch. The result is the same for the vipps:// and the https:// URLs. This is done by the phone's operating system. It recognizes that the https:// URL for the landing page is a Vipps MobilePay URL, and knows that it should open the Vipps or MobilePay app instead of the opening it in a web browser.
  • In a desktop browser, the landing page will prompt the user for the phone number. The number may be prefilled, as described in the User phone number section. The user enters or confirms the phone number. It is also possible to enter another user's number, to have that person complete the payment.

User phone number

The user's phone number can be set in the payment initiation call. It is stored by the user's browser, eliminating the need for re-typing it on subsequent purchases.

In some cases, one user will start the payment process, but the actual payment will be made by another user. The landing page makes this possible, since the phone number can be changed. A typical example is one user that is below 15 years old, and therefore cannot pay to businesses, will let another user complete the payment.

See: Is it possible to prevent the user from editing the phone number?​

Never display the landing page in an iframe


No. Never show the landing page inside an iframe, in a web view, or in an embedded browser. See: Can I show the landing page in an iframe?​

This is applicable to all APIs.

Generating a QR code to the landing page

If you have user-facing display, you may want to generate a QR code based on the landing page URL, instead of asking the user for their phone number. Scanning the QR code will take the user directly to the payment in the Vipps or MobilePay app.

Vipps QR code

This is done in cooperation with the QR API. See One-time payment QR for more details about this and other QR services.

Skip landing page


This functionality is only available for special cases. Skipping the landing page is only allowed when it is not possible to show it.

Skipping the landing page is reserved for when the payment is initiated on a device that the user does not own or control:

  • Not on the user's phone
  • Not on the user's computer
  • On a device that has no user-facing display where the landing page can be shown, such as physical points of sale (POS) solutions, vending machines, etc.

This skipLandingpage functionality must be specially enabled by Vipps MobilePay for each sales unit that needs it. If you need to skip the landing page, contact your Key Account Manager. If you do not have a KAM, please log in on, find the right sales unit and click the email link under the "i" information bubble. Include a detailed description of why it is not possible to display the landing page.

The landing page is more than just a web page, it is an entire application, and it plays an important role in our payment process.


When using skipLandingPage, the user is not sent to a URL after completion of the payment. The "result page" is just the confirmation in the Vipps or MobilePay app. The required parameter returnUrl (called fallback for the eCom API) is not used, so you can provide any URL as that value.


When using "skipLandingPage": true in the API request that initiates the payment:

  • We will send a push notification immediately to the Vipps or MobilePay app for the user with the specified phone number, without showing the landing page.
  • It is crucial to use the correct format for the user's phone number. If not, the payment will fail.
  • The user is not able to provide a different phone number for completing the payment. This means someone under the age of 15 (that cannot pay businesses) cannot have someone else pay for them.
  • The user is not sent to a return URL (the result page) after completion of the payment. Instead of the "result page", the user will just get a confirmation in the Vipps or MobilePay app.
  • If the sales unit is not whitelisted, the request will fail and an error message will be returned.

If you need to skip the landing page in a Point of Sale (POS) solution, follow the steps in: What is the process to go live in production?.

If you need to skip the landing page for a different reason: Contact your Key Account Manager. If you do not have a KAM: Please log in on, open the Developer section, find the right sales unit and click the email link under the "i" information bubble. Include a detailed description of why it is not possible to display the landing page.

Sequence diagram

This sequence diagram shows the difference between the normal flow and the flow with "skipLandingPage": true:

Skip landing page flow

Landing page FAQ

How to check if skip landing page is active

All merchants can log in to the merchant portal and check if a sales unit has skipLandingPage enabled. You can also find information on how to activate skipLandingPage there.

If you are a partner and want to check for a merchant:

  • Use the Management API.
  • Ask the merchant to create a portal user for you, so you can check on behalf of them.
  • Make a trial attempt with a small payment. If you are not able to log in to the merchant portal, you can initiate a small payment request where skipLandingPage is true. If you don't get an error, it's active; otherwise, it's not active.

If you are a partner and want to check for a merchant, see the Management API.

If you are a partner and don't yet use the Management API, you can ask the merchant to create a portal user for you, so you can check on behalf of the merchant.

If you are not able to log in on you can make a small payment (2 NOK) with skipLandingPage. If you do not get an error, it's active. If you get an error, it's not active.

Is it possible to skip the landing page?

Only in special cases, where displaying it is not possible.

We must enable this feature for eligible sales units, which will be whitelisted. Skipping the landing page is typically used at physical points of sale where there is no display available.

See Skip landing page for more details.

How can I check if I have skipLandingPage activated?

All merchants can log in on and check if a sales unit has skipLandingPage enabled for all their sales units in the Developer section.

See also:

Can I show the landing page in an iframe?

No. Never show the landing page inside an iframe, in a web view, or in an embedded browser. It will break the Vipps MobilePay payment flow, and result in a lower completion rate.

Even if you make it work today, it may break tomorrow, because we are continuously improving the payment flow to ensure the best user experience and success rate.

When the phone's operating system is instructed to open the Vipps MobilePay landing page, the URL is recognized by the phone's operating system, by "universal linking", as "owned" by Vipps MobilePay. The phone's operating system "knows" that it should open the Vipps or MobilePay app (instead the URL itself in a browser). This is called an app switch.

This means that the landing page is never shown on a phone with the Vipps or MobilePay app installed.


If the landing page URL is not used as-is by the phone's operating system, but instead shown inside an iframe, in a web view in an app, or similar, it adds a completely unnecessary step to the payment process.

The user gets a bad user experience, the success rate for completing payments drops, and everyone loses.

It also makes it impossible for the user to reliably be redirected back to the merchant's website (the returnUrl in the ePayment API, or the fallBack URL in the eCom API) after completing (or cancelling) the payment. These URLs are opened in the default browser, and any session cookies or similar will be gone, so, it's crucial that they correctly show the correct state of the payment.

Is it possible to prevent the user from editing the phone number?

In special cases, it may be a requirement to always specify the user's phone number and to make the phone number impossible to edit on the landing page.

This will of course make it impossible for a user to start the payment process, but have another user (a parent, for instance) complete the payment.

If you need to make the user's phone number impossible to edit on the landing page: Contact your Key Account Manager. If you do not have a KAM: contact our business support and include a detailed description of why this is needed.

  • Users should never see the landing page on a device where the Vipps or MobilePay is installed.
  • Any optimization of the normal payment flow may break the payment flow - if not today, then later.
  • The default behavior and our recommendations are based on years of experience and data, and we continuously monitor and improve it.

Why do I get The resource doesn't support specified Http Verb when redirecting to the landing page?

When redirecting to the landing page you must always use GET. The landing page does not support POST or PUT which will result in the error The resource doesn't support specified Http Verb.

HttpStatusCode: 405
ErrorCode: UnsupportedHttpVerb

What are the landing page servers?

The URLs from which we serve the landing page are specific to the market region in order to show the correct brand in the address bar, when users are accessing from a desktop computer.

Landing page domains are shown on the Servers page.

What happens if the user navigates back to my checkout from the landing page?

If the user does back-navigation in the browser to return to your checkout from the landing page after having submitted their phone number and without confirming the payment, we will cancel the payment. This is to prevent users from paying for the same order twice. Often when a user navigates back to your checkout it will be to change a minor detail of the order, f.ex. shipping address or method. In these cases, not cancelling the payment would case the user to have two active payments to the same merchant in the app, often with the same amount. To prevent user confusion we therefore cancel the payment on behalf of the user.

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