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Business portal

To use most of these functions, you must have an active customer relationship with Vipps MobilePay.

Once you have a merchant agreement and have ordered products, you can get access to manage sales units and users, as described here.

For questions about the portal that you don't find answered here, contact customer service.

How to log in​

To log in to the, you need one of the following:

Danish users need either MitID or email and password.

Finnish users need either FTN or email and password.

Norwegian users need BankID.

Swedish users must be invited by a merchant from Denmark, Finland, or Norway. Ask your merchant to Add a user for you. Then, you will be able to log in with BankID.

Portal front page

If you don't have one of these login methods, or don't have access to the correct merchant, please contact customer service for help.

How to order a product​

To become a new customer, first create and submit a merchant agreement from here on the portal. For more details, see Applying for services.

Once you have a merchant agreement, you can order products. Select Order solution from the sidebar, and then select the solution you are interested in and follow the online instructions.


If you already have a cash register solution through a Point of Sales partner, select In-person payments and then look for the Partner integrations option at the bottom of the page. You will get to a form where you can find and select your partner.

Sales units​

How to find a sales unit​

There are two ways to find a sales unit.

The first way is by clicking the See all link under the Online payments or In-person payments sections of the sidebar. Then, you will be presented with a list that you can filter by typing in the name or number of the sales unit.

Find sales unit from sidebar

The second way is by clicking For developers from the sidebar. On the page that opens, the API keys tab should be opened by default, and you should see a list of sales units.

Find sales unit from developers tab

Select either Production or Test, depending on the type of sales unit.

Find the sales unit name in the table. You can find the MSN and other details for this sales unit.

For production sales units, you can click the name to get more information.

See sales unit info

How to find the API keys​

API keys are used for authentication with the API platform. These are credentials that confirm your identity and that your API request is valid.

  1. Find your sales unit
  2. Click the corresponding Show keys button. A panel will open where you can copy the values of each key.

If you need to get/give the API keys from/to someone, be sure to do it securely. If you can't do that, then create a portal user for that person, and give them basic access to the sales unit.

For partners

A Vipps MobilePay partner should use Partner keys, and not the merchant keys, which are described here. If a partner can't get partner keys, there are two solutions:

  1. The merchant can download the API keys and send them to the partner securely.
  2. If the merchant is unable to provide the API keys to the partner securely, they can add a production user for the partner and give them Assistant access. Then, the partner can log in to the portal and download the API keys.

How to find the Merchant Serial Number​

The Merchant-Serial-Number is a unique identifier that is defined when a sales unit is created. This can be optionally sent in the header for each API request, to aid us with problem-solving.

Find your desired sales unit and the Merchant Serial Number (MSN) is displayed to the right of the sales unit name. You can also find the MSN and other details on the page displayed by clicking the sales unit name or the Show keys buttons.

You can have multiple sales units which can be managed in the portal. You can change the logo, name, or account.

How to add a new sales unit​

For a production sales unit:

  1. Go to Order solution in the sidebar.
  2. Select the type of sales unit you want to add.
  3. Fill out the necessary information.

This requires some manual work on our end, so please allow up to 10 working days.


Benefits of having multiple sales units:

  • Each sales unit has its own name presented to the user in the app
  • Each sales unit has separate transaction logs
  • Each sales unit can have its own settlement account. Sharing a single account across multiple sales units is available on request.

How to create a test sales unit​

For a test sales unit:

  1. In the For developers section, select the API keys tab. Select the test environment.
  2. Click Add test sales unit.

Create a test sales unit

  1. Enter the requested properties and click Create.

    • Name - The name of your test sales unit.
    • Partner - Optional partner data (not usually needed).
    • Select optional properties:
    • Skip Landing Page - To use this in production, you will need special permission.
    • Recurring API
    • Direct Capture

After a couple of minutes, your new test sales unit will appear in the bottom of the list (possibly after some browser refreshes). Then, you can get the API keys and begin testing.


It is not possible to change an existing sales unit in the test environment, but you can create as many as you need.

For production sales units, the name and logo is shown to users in several places, both in the app and elsewhere. You can change these on the sales unit page.

Once you have found your sales unit and opened the information panel, click the Edit button beside What your business looks like in [Vipps or MobilePay].

For example:

Update your name and logo

Note that it is not possible to change the name of a test sales unit.

How to set up Login for your sales unit​

  1. Find your desired sales unit.

  2. Click the Set up login button corresponding to your sales unit. Then, you will see the Login configuration page.

    Login landing page in the portal

  3. If this is the first time, click Activate Login then Edit on the Settings section and fill out the fields:

    • Redirect URIs - Specify the URI that will be used with the query parameter, redirect_uri, on the initial request to the authentication endpoint. You can register as many URIs as you want. This creates a list of accepted URIs.

      See Login API FAQ: What are the requirements for redirect URIs for details.

      1. Enter the URI. It must be exactly the same URI that you use when making API requests. Take care to notice if the actual URI is specified with a trailing slash / or not. For testing, you can use http://localhost.
      2. Click Add URI for each URI you add.
      3. Click Save.

Add Login

How to configure marketing consents for Login​

  1. Find your desired sales unit.
  2. Click the Set up login button corresponding to your sales unit.
  3. Click Edit on the Marketing consents section.
  4. Select at least one consent type.
  5. Decide which consents are mandatory.
  6. Add the links to your terms and conditions and privacy statement.
  7. Click Save.

Configure marketing consents

How to add recurring payments​

You can request recurring payments for existing production sales units. You can't update an existing test sales unit, but you can create a new test sales unit and add recurring during creation.

To update a production sales unit: Find the sales unit. Click the title to see the sales unit's properties. Under Your solution, click Recurring Payments.

Sales unit settings section

In the form that opens, provide an estimate of your revenue and a description of what types of services you will be offering. Estimations are fine, and we will contact your if it's unclear.

Request recurring change form

Once your application is delivered, please expect a few days of processing time. Due to increased risk, we require additional information and evaluations when enabling recurring payments on your profile.

How to deactivate a sales unit​

To deactivate your sales unit, find the sales unit and click the Edit button in the Active field. From there, you can deactivate the sales unit.


How to find a test user​

Select For developers from the sidebar, and select the Test users tab. You should see a list of test users. The National Identity Number, needed for logging-in with the test app, is displayed next to the test user's phone number.

What is NIN?

The National Identity Number (NIN) is the identification number given to people by their national government for official use.

In Denmark, the NIN is called CPR-nummer / personnummer.

In Finland, NIN is called henkilΓΆtunnus.

In Norway, NIN is fΓΈdselsnummer / personnummer.

In Sweden, NIN is personnummer.

How do I add a new user​

How to add a test user​

  1. Select For developers from the sidebar.
  2. Select the Test users tab.
  3. Click Add a new test user, if you have the option. Then, the user's new phone number and NIN will be provided.

If you have maxed out the number of test users or have any other problems with creating a test user, contact us.

How to add a production user​

Merchants may create user accounts for their colleagues, accountants, partner's employees, or anyone else they want to give access to their sales units. Access is provided for individuals. It's not possible for a merchant to give access to a business (e.g., its partner), only to specific people. There is no limit to the number of people that can be given access.

  1. Select User accesses from the sidebar.

  2. Click the Add user button. Select Add with National Identity Number (null Required for Swedish users):

    Add user

    Alternatively, for Norwegian, Finnish, or Danish users, you can register with the phone number.

  3. Enter the personal information for the new user.

    National identity number panel

    The name of the person will automatically be displayed. Click Next.

  4. Select the permissions for the user. A partner's user should include Developer permissions (Access and manage API settings). See Access permissions in the portal for details about the permissions.

    Select the permissions for the user

    Click Next.

  5. Select sales unit(s) the new user will get access to.

    User is added

    Click Complete.

Remember to inform the user when the registration is complete, so they can log in right away.

How to find information about a user​

  1. Select User accesses in the sidebar.

  2. Find and click the user's name.

Related sections:

How to update a user's permissions​

  1. Find the user.

  2. Hover over the three dots at the end of the row.

  3. Select Edit permissions and update the permissions, if necessary.

Access permissions in the portal​

  • Administrator: Can edit and view all information, invite users, edit company information, edit settlements accounts and sales units, manage transactions, make refunds, send payment requests, and access and manage API settings.

  • Sales Unit Manager: Can edit sales units, view transactions, and send payment requests.

  • Assistant: Can view information at a sales unit level, view transactions, and send payment requests.

In addition to this, specific permissions can be granted to the Sales Unit Manager and Assistant roles:

  • Transaction Management: Can cancel, charge, refund, and request money for the sales units they have access to.
  • Developer: Can retrieve API keys and set up Vipps MobilePay logs at existing points of sales used for online shopping.

Related sections:

I can't log in​

If you don't have one of the login methods above, or if you don't have access to the correct merchant, contact customer service for help.

A workaround is that the merchant's administrator can either:

I don't see the Developer section​

If you can log in to, but you can't see the Developer section in the sidebar, ask the merchant's administrator to update your permissions for the sales unit (Assistant + Access and manage API settings).

A user can't access the portal​

Check that the user has the correct permissions.


Select Transactions from the sidebar.

Here you will find:

  • Overview of who has paid.
  • Charge reserved payments, refund amounts sent incorrectly and cancel reservations.
  • Filter payments in specific periods or search for specific transactions and orders.

Transactions overview

To export reports of your settlement information, select Reports from the sidebar.

You will also find settlement information in the information section for the sales unit. See How to find a sales unit.

For more information about settlements, see the Settlements section.

Cancel a reserved transaction​

Select the order you want to cancel, then click Cancel transaction.

Screen showing cancel or capture buttons

Confirm the cancellation.

Screen showing confirm to cancel

You will see a confirmation screen.

Screen showing cancellation summary

The reserved amount will be released on customers account immediately.

Capture a transaction​

Select the reserved order that you want to capture, then click Capture.

Screen showing cancel or capture buttons

To do a partial capture, enter the amount to capture, otherwise, click the Capture button without adding the amount.

Screen showing capture amount field

You will see a confirmation screen.

Refund a transaction​

Select the captured order that you need to refund, and click the Refund button.

Screen showing refund button

To do a partial refund, enter the amount to refund, otherwise click Refund button without adding the amount.

Screen showing refund amount


Is there a partner portal​

Yes! See Partner portal for more details.

How can I see which partner is selected for a sales unit​

Navigate to the sales unit information. Under Your solution look for Your integration partner to find the name of the partner. If the sales unit is not linked to a partner the section, Your integration partner will not be shown.

See partner information on sales unit

How can I change partner for a sales unit​

It is not possible to change partner through the portal. See the How to change partners guide.

Is it possible to have two partners for one sales unit​

You can only select one partner for each sales unit. However, it is possible to select one partner for your sales unit, and share your API keys with a different partner. We do not recommend this approach because it means that both partners will have access to the sales unit and can access and effect the same data. If you choose to do this please inform both partners that another partner have access as well. The recommended approach is to create a new sales unit for each partner.

QR codes​

How to generate a Vipps MobilePay branded QR code​


You can also generate these QR codes via the QR API: Merchant redirect QR codes.

First, find Scan and pay in the sidebar.

Find Scan and Vipps in the menu

Then, select the sales unit you want to use, and click Create a new QR code.

Enter the name you want for the QR and the URL.

Choose a name and a URL for the QR

Click Create new QR-code.

The QR code is created, and you can download it in either SVG or PNG.

Download the QR or change the URL

Payment links provide a simple and efficient way for merchants to collect payments from customers. By sharing a URL, merchants can enable customers to make payments without requiring complex integrations or custom-built payment pages.

For more details, see Knowledge base: Payment links.

To create a payment link, follow these steps:

  1. Check if you can generate payment links
    • Go to the
    • Navigate to your chosen sales unit
    • Open the information panel for the sales unit (for production sales units only)
    • Under Your solution, find the Payment Links section.
      • If it shows Active, then you are able to generate payment links.
      • Click the Add button to order payment links.

See sales unit info

  1. Make a payment link

Payment links tab

Create payment link

  1. Share the link
    • Share the payment link however you want
    • Everyone who clicks on the link can pay to you
  1. Accessing the portal
  2. Monitoring link activity
    • Go to the Transactions part of the portal
    • Use filters to sort and categorize payment links
  3. Get customer and shipping information
    • Go to the Transactions part of the portal
    • Click on a line to view status of the payment, and the payee details
  4. Capturing payments


Portal FAQs​

How can I set up shipping?​

Shipping is not an option through the portal. This must be set up through your program code or through one of our APIs. The Checkout API and eCom API have some shipping options. The ePayment API is planning for some express shipping options in the near future.

How can I test webhooks​

We don't have functionality for testing webhooks in the portal. You will need to use a third party website or make your own web server to receive the webhooks.

What do I get access to when I log in to the portal?​

  • Overview of transactions. See Transactions.
    • Overview of who has paid.
    • Charge reserved payments, refund amounts sent incorrectly and cancel reservations.
    • Filter payments in specific periods or search for specific transactions and orders.
  • Reports on settlements and costs. See Transactions.
    • Download settlement reports in XLSX, PDF, XML and CSV format.
    • Set up e-mail so that we send you settlement reports daily, weekly or monthly.
  • View and manage your sales units and users
    • As an administrator, you have access to add, change and delete users.
    • Depending on which access you have in the portal, you can, among other things, change the settlement account, settlement frequency, logo and point of sale name.
    • Download the QR code that helps your customers find the point of sale they should pay to.
  • Set up what you need to get started with the integration with Vipps MobilePay.

Who can log into the portal?​

Business customers of Vipps MobilePay can log in to the portal to manage their customer relationship. To become a business customer, see Apply for services.

To request access for an existing customer, log in to the portal with BankID and ask the existing company for access.

Once you have gained access, you can also add more users with different access.

How can I change the administrator in the portal?​

  • Has the administrator registered in the portal left the company?

    If you are going to change the sole administrator, contact customer service.

  • Is there someone else who will take over the responsibility?

    If the existing administrator is still to have access, other administrators can be created, changed and deleted logged in to the portal. The administrator controls this from the User accesses menu item.

I can't log in to the portal​

If you do not get access after logging in, contact the administrator in your company. Are you an administrator yourself? Contact us.

If you experience problems logging in with BankID or BankID on mobile, you must contact your bank.

How do I make changes to my sales unit?​

When you are logged into the portal, you can make changes to all your sales units, such as changing the logo, name, or account.

See How can I change my name and logo?

Can I have more sales units?​

Yes, it's a great way to keep order in the shop. You add more sales units in the portal.

You get a unique ID number per sales unit, and you can use this to, for example, differentiate between different kiosks, or different online stores.

See How to add a new sales unit

What do I do if someone else uses my business name in Vipps MobilePay?​

Please contact us, and we will help you.

Where can I see my sales and transfers?​

Sales: You'll find an overview of your sales under Transactions.

Transfers: You'll find information about your transfers under Reports.

What do the different transaction statuses mean?​

We divide transactions into different statuses to tell the company and the vipps user what has happened to it. Some are more obvious than others, so we have created a description of the various statuses here:

  1. Requested - The company has sent a payment request to the customer that has not been processed by the customer.

  2. Rejected - For this status to occur, the company must have asked the customer for an amount which the customer has subsequently refused. It could be that the amount was wrong, or that the customer changed his mind.

  3. Reserved - This status comes after the customer has pressed Pay in the Vipps or MobilePay app. The money will then be reserved on your customer's account, and in the app the customer will see that the status has been approved. It's important to remember that the money will not be transferred to the company's account with this status. Reserved is used in cases where the customer has not received what they have bought yet, most often in online shopping. A reserved transaction has three possible outcomes. It can remain reserved, it can be captured, or it can be cancelled.

  4. Cancelled - After the customer has pressed Pay, and the transaction has a reserved status, the company can choose to cancel the payment. This means that the reservation is deleted from the customer's account, and the company will no longer be able to charge the customer without the customer re-authorizing the transaction in the Vipps or MobilePay app.

  5. Captured - Your customer's account is debited and the money is paid out to your settlement account. If the transaction is reserved, the company can charge the transaction so that it is given the status of sale.

  6. Refunded - A refunded transaction is a sale that has been returned to the customer. In other words, the customer's account has first been debited, after which the company has returned either all or part of the amount.

See Payment overview for general information about payments.

How do I make a refund through the portal?​

  1. Go to Transactions in the sidebar.
  2. Find the transaction you need to refund.
  3. Click on the transaction to open the detailed view.
  4. From the detailed view, you can refund charged transactions that are up to one year old.

When you refund an amount, the customer will receive the money back within a short period of time. We'll deduct the refunded amount from your next settlement.

Your customers should get the money back into their account within 10 working days.

What access can we create in the portal?​

See How to update a user's permissions.

How do I change the frequency of settlements from Vipps MobilePay?​

Settlements are paid daily as standard. In the portal, you can choose to change this to weekly or monthly.

  1. Go to your sales unit
  2. In the Settlement box, select Edit.
  3. Select the frequency under Settlement period.

If you choose weekly settlements, this will be paid out the following Monday. If you choose monthly settlements, this will be paid on the 1st of the following month.

Remember that depending on public holidays or weekends, it may take some time before the money arrives in the account.

See Settlements for more details.

How can I print of download a file that shows transactions for a given period of time?​

  1. Go to Reports in the sidebar.
  2. Click Download in the Settlements tab.
  3. Choose your desired format.
  4. Click Download, and the file will be saved to your computer.

Please note: The Excel reports com in two versions: one with sender names and messages, and one without these details. If you download the version with sender names and messages, your company will become an independent data controller for the personal information contained in that report.

How do I end my customer relationship?​

If you want to end your customer relationship with Vipps MobilePay, please contact the customer center.

How do I delete everything about me and my profile?​

Ask an administrator in your company to delete everything for you. They can do this from the User access section in the portal.

Alternatively, contact customer center. Once we have done that, you will no longer be able to see your data, and we will delete or anonymize everything about you.

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