Who can use Vipps MobilePay
If you need help with your account or with the app, please contact us at vippsmobilepay.com.
The Vipps and MobilePay apps are available to residents of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. All users can pay to Nordic merchants for one-time or recurring payments.
Below are the user requirements for each country.
Residents of Denmark and Greenland use the MobilePay app.
User requirements:
- A valid email address
- A mobile phone. See technical requirements.
- A Danish or Greenlandic phone number adapted for use in Denmark
- MitID
- Danish national identity number (CPR-nummer)
- Debit or credit card issued by a Danish, Faroese, or Greenlandic bank
- Account in your name in a Danish, Faroese, or Greenlandic bank
- Must be at least 13 years old. If you are under 18, you can only transfer money that is at your disposal. If you are under 15 years of age, your parents/guardians must give consent for us to process your personal data in order to offer you our services.
- We must approve each user.
Individuals can only have one active MobilePay agreement.
Greenlandic users can use MobilePay. The Bank of Greenland and Tusass provide MobilePay to everyone in Greenland. Link your Greenlandic phone number to a Danish phone number at tusass.gl. All the user requirements are the same as for Danish users.
Related links from mobilepay.dk:
- What do I need to be able to use MobilePay?
- What technical requirements are there to be able to use MobilePay?
- Conditions for private users
Residents of Finland use the MobilePay app.
User requirements:
- Email address
- A mobile phone. See technical requirements.
- Finnish mobile phone number
- Finnish online banking credentials (FTN)
- Finnish national identity number (henkilötunnus)
- Finnish debit or credit card
- Finnish bank account
- Must be at least 15 years old.
Individuals can only have one active MobilePay contract.
Related links from mobilepay.fi:
Residents of Norway use the Vipps app.
Requirements for Norwegian users over 15 years old:
- Norwegian BankID
- Norwegian mobile number
- A mobile phone. See technical requirements.
- Norwegian national identity number (fødselsnummer / d-nummer)
- Registered address
- Norwegian Visa card or Mastercard
- Account in a Norwegian bank
- E-mail address
Requirements for Norwegian users under 15 years:
- Norwegian bank account in the child's name
- Norwegian mobile phone number
- Both parents must have an active Vipps profile
- Both parents must be identified in Vipps with BankID
Related links from vipps.no:
Residents of Sweden use the Vipps app.
A Swedish user can use Vipps in the same way as a Norwegian user, including subscribe to a service from a Norwegian company.
Swedish user requirements:
- BankID
- Swedish mobile number
- Swedish national identity number (personnummer)
- Swedish debit or credit card
- Must be at least 15 years old
- A mobile phone. See technical requirements.
Related links from vipps.se:
What are the technical requirements for the mobile phone?
The Vipps MobilePay apps work with the following operating systems:
- iOS (iPhone) 15.0 or later
- Android 9.0 or later
Please note that the app doesn't work on phones that are rooted or if "insecure" apps are installed on the phone. If you have a rooted phone and haven't done it yourself, we recommend contacting the people you bought the phone from or who helped you install it. In some cases, the solution may be to reset the phone completely. If you have installed an "unsafe" app, you must uninstall it before you can use the app.
The Vipps MobilePay apps don't work on Android phones that don't have Google Play Services (e.g., Huawei).
Technical requirements in your local language: