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If you and your merchants have a good volume and great potential, we would like to have you on the team as a partner. The goal of the partner program is to find areas where we can work closely together and experience good growth - together. The collaboration will give you good exposure and opportunities for even better solutions for our customers.

To join the partner program, see: Become our partner.


Partner types

Vipps MobilePay has four types of partners:

A partner may act as a different type of partner in different situations. For example, it's possible for a partner to develop an official Vipps MobilePay plugin; as well, as being a platform partner.

This document is mainly for platform partners that act on behalf of merchants, using one set of API keys for all merchants: Partner keys. Other partners must rely on each merchant's individual API keys.

Platform partner

Platform partners provide a closed, ready-to-use platform for their merchants. They do all integration with the API platform, do all development and maintenance on their platform, and also provide all support for the merchants.

Partners with Partner Plus and Partner Premium can and should use partner keys. Platform partners on these partner levels use the API platform on behalf of merchants. This means that they can initiate payments, captures, refunds, and other relevant transactions.

Merchants that use a platform partner with Partner Plus or Partner Premium never need to see their API keys, since the partner uses partner keys.

Partner keys can be used with the Management API.

Reseller partner

Reseller partners assist merchants in development of their integration. Typically, this is a consultancy firm doing development for the merchant. A reseller partner does not use the API platform on behalf of the merchant. A reseller does not have their own API keys.

Merchants that use a reseller partner must provide the API keys to the integration partner. See Knowledge base: API Keys.

If the reseller partner continues to run, manage, and develop everything related to the Vipps MobilePay integration after it has been developed, and also manage the API credentials on behalf of the merchant, the partner is similar to a platform partner and should use partner keys.

Plugin supplier

Plugin suppliers develop official open source plugins on contract from Vipps MobilePay.

If a partner uses official Vipps MobilePay plugins to implement an integration for a merchant, the API credentials for the merchant must be used, and the partner uses the API platform on behalf of the merchant.

PSP partner

PSP partners use the PSP API to offer Vipps MobilePay to their merchants.

Partner levels

There are three partner levels: Partner, Partner Plus, and Partner Premium. For more details about these, see Partner levels.

How to become a partner

Please visit the partner page, read through our FAQ, and fill out the form.

Sequence diagram

Integrate with the API platform

See developer documentation for information about how to get started.

When your application is approved, you will receive an email with details about access to the test environment.

If you already have a pilot merchant that has access to the API platform, you can also use the merchant's API keys for the test environment for development.


Access to the production environment requires thorough checks required by law. For most partners this is not relevant, as it is the partner's merchants that will need production access. The partner only needs access to the test environment to complete an integration.

Finishing the integration and going live

An integration is considered complete when all the elements of the relevant API checklists are done. See these checklists:


Please make sure to read and understand the checklist. You must provide the required information, such as reference, paymentDescription and HTTP headers. If you simply send a copy of the checklist with "OK" for each item, we will have to ask you again to complete the checklist.


In addition to the checklists mentioned above, all partners are required to complete the following:

Required to become a partner
As a partner, you accept the Partner terms and conditions
Provide technical documentation for merchants regarding:
- How to apply for products (a URL, plain text or PDF is preferred)
- How to configure and use the solution (a URL, plain text or PDF is preferred)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for merchants (a URL, plain text or PDF is preferred)
Provide one pilot customer to verify the integration in the production environment (send organization number and name)
Describe how your integration has been set up, with a link to a demo, or provide screenshots (PDF is preferred).

When the integration checklist is completed, notify Vipps MobilePay Integration Service ( as described in the checklist, with reference examples from the test environment, pilot customer info, and a description of the implemented solution.

Vipps MobilePay Integration Service will verify the integration and contact you.

After the checklist is approved, you will receive all necessary information from

We will add you to the signup forms on where the merchants can sign up and select you as their partner.

Partner keys

As a partner, you manage transactions on behalf of Vipps MobilePay merchants. We provide you with partner keys, which allow you to use your own API credentials to make API calls on behalf of your merchants (i.e., the sales units that are connected to you as a partner).

This means that you don't need to use the merchant's own API keys.

See: Partner keys.


Partner keys are only available for Partner Plus and Partner Premium.

Plugin development

All official plugins are open source, free to use, and available in our plugin section, as well as on the platforms they are designed for.

We encourage submitting issues and pull requests to improve the plugins.

If you have developed, or plan to develop, a plugin for Vipps MobilePay, and you think it may be a candidate for becoming an official plugin: See How to become a partner and let us know what your plans are.

How to get access to your sales units on the merchant portal

Partners can get access to manage sales units in the merchant portal by ordering a product, such as Login.

Ordering Login is the fastest because the Login API does not allow for payments and, therefore, the requirements for compliance are simplest.

You will need to get a merchant agreement and order the product as described on the Applying for services page.

  • The partner must have a website.
  • The partner's organization number must be clearly visible on the website.
  • The partner must mention in the application that the application is for a partner and that it's for access to the API for development.

When your order for Login is approved, you can log in to the portal and manage your own sales units for use in the test environment.

You can ask the merchant to create a user for you, so you get access to the merchant's MSN as described in detail with screenshots.


Vipps MobilePay doesn't have a separate partner portal.


How to sign up new merchants

All merchants must have a customer relationship with Vipps MobilePay, in addition to the one with the partner.

A merchant that already has a customer relationship with us still needs to apply for a new product (sales unit) to use with a new partner. See: How can a merchant change partners.

The information below is for partners that have their own API keys, and who can use the Management API.

Partners that do not have their own API keys cannot use the Management API to prefill a product order, must use Manual signup.

Management API

The Management API enables a partner to "prefill" the product order form on on behalf of a merchant, so the merchant can log in, check the data, and submit the product order.

See: Prefill a product order.


A partner that only rarely needs to onboard a new merchant can have the merchant order a product on instead of using the Management API's "prefill" functionality. The partner may also log in on there and manually fill in the form, which will be similar to using the Management API's "prefill" functionality.

Merchant signup with prefill sequence diagram

How to check the status of a product order

The Management API has functionality to:

  • There are strict rules for what information we are allowed to share with a partner. To give more details than the above, we require consent from the merchant, and the merchant must also be able to withdraw that consent. We do not have that consent management system, and it is unlikely that we will implement it.
  • Partners can use Get the sales units for a merchant by business identifier to check if a merchant's sales unit is live.
  • The best way to check the status of a product order is for the merchant to check on
  • See: Typical reasons for delays.

Typical reasons for delays

The application solution on contains a lot of help and tips, as well as links to more information.

There are still some common problems that cause delays:

  • Vipps MobilePay has sent an email requesting additional information, but has not received a reply. Merchants should check their "spam" and try to search their email for "vipps".
  • The merchant has signed a merchant agreement, but has not ordered any Vipps MobilePay products.
  • The application is not signed by a person that has signatory rights. Norwegian merchants can check who can sign at Brønnøysundregistrene, the Norwegian business registry.
  • The merchant's website does not have the legally required terms and conditions.
  • The merchant's website does not have the organization number clearly visible.
  • The merchant has not provided enough information about what they want to use Vipps MobilePay for.
  • If the merchant's website is not the distribution channel, the requirements mentioned above also apply to the partner's platform.
  • The application has been declined. Vipps MobilePay only informs the merchant about this, not the partner. The reason for declining may be related to risk and compliance, and thus sensitive.

How can a partner check things?

For partners: Vipps MobilePay has limited capacity to handle partners' requests. We therefore recommend the following priority:

  1. Integrate with the Management API, so the functionality is made available in the partner's own admin interface.
  2. The Management API is designed and developed to enable as much self-service and automation as possible. Our Partner terms and conditions state that partners are obligated to use the Management API.
  3. Send single requests with an API client (e.g., Postman).
  4. Ask the merchant to create a user for them on, so the partner can check on behalf of the merchant.
  5. See How can I check if I have skipLandingPage activated? or How can I check if a sales unit has "reserve capture" or "direct capture".

Vipps MobilePay can only share information about the status of a merchant's agreement or product orders if the partner used the prefill functionality in the Management API. We can not share information about product orders submitted by merchants on their own. This is because we need explicit consent from the merchant to share the information, and the consent must also be possible to withdraw. We cannot prioritize implementing this type of consent management over other important functionality. The merchant can check the status on any time.

When a new merchant gets their Vipps MobilePay application approved, an email is sent to both the merchant and the partner with information about:

  • The merchant's organization number
  • The merchant's name
  • The sales unit's MSN
  • The sales unit's name

The Management API enables a partner to look up merchant serial numbers based on the merchant's organization number, and also retrieve details of a specific sales unit based on the sales unit's MSN.

How can a merchant change partners?

See: How to change partners.

FAQ for partners

You may find answers to your questions on our FAQ section on the bottom of the partner page

Technical information for partners


Please contact your partner manager. If you do not have a partner manager, please contact

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