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Partner FAQ

What do I do if I've compromised the keys

For all keys other than merchant API keys, contact our partner team. For merchant API keys, the merchant needs to generate new ones on the portal.

Update your integrations, so they will continue working.

How to check the status of a product order

You can use the partner portal to view all product orders where you are specified as partner. This includes product orders made with the Management API, product order templates and manual product orders.

You can also use the Management API:


How can a partner check things on behalf of the merchant?

You can use the partner portal to view the details of all sales units where you are the partner.

You can also use the Management API, and also make the API functionality available in your own admin interface.

To see exactly what a merchant sees: Ask the merchant to create a portal user for you, so they can log in as the merchant.

See also:

How to get access to your sales units on the portal

Partners can get access to manage their own sales units on by ordering a product, such as Login. For help, see Portal: How to log in.

Ordering Login is the fastest way to get access, because the Login API does not allow for payments and, therefore the requirements for compliance are the simplest. You will still get access to payments (and everything else) in the test encvironment.

You will need to get a merchant agreement and order the product as described on the Applying for services page.

  • The partner must have a website.
  • The partner's organization number must be clearly visible on the website.
  • The partner must mention in the application that the application is for a partner and that it's for access to the API for development.

When your order for Login is approved, you can log in to the portal and manage your own sales units for use in the test environment.

You can ask the merchant to create a portal user for you, so you get access to the merchant's MSN.

Where can I find guides for integrating with the API?

The API platform page should guide you to the API that corresponds with the product ordered by the merchant. Go into that API section and have a look at the examples in the "How it works" guides and the Quick start guide. These you with illustrations and examples for starting with the API. You can then dig deeper to find all the details for each endpoint.

Other questions

You may find answers to your questions on our FAQ section on the bottom of the partner page.

Please contact your partner manager. If you do not have a partner manager, please contact

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