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Adjust payments

Order detail

When an order comes in from the creates it with Vipps MobilePay's API where we check the state of the payment

StateShopware Payment statusShopware Delivery statusShopware Order statusSupported


Order created


Order aborted


Not supported


Order authorized


Not supported

Vipps MobilePay Status

Here, it's possible to see the status of an order; as well as the following:

  • PSP Reference ID
  • Reference ID
  • Transaction Status
  • Authorized Amount
  • Captured Amount
  • Refunded Amount
  • Cancelled Amount
  • Total Amount

Vipps MobilePay status


It's possible to perform actions direct from Shopware administration on an order where there is paid with Vipps MobilePay


By default, if you click Capture, it will capture the full authorized amount and change the Payment Status to Paid.

Partial Capture

If you change the amount to capture and click Capture, it will capture the amount you have entered. The max you can capture is the Authorized amount. It will change the Payment Status to Partial paid.


If you want to refund the full amount of the captured amount, then just click Refund. It will refund the full amount and change the Payment Status to Refunded.

Partial Refund

If you want to refund a part of the captured amount, then you just change the amount you want to and the click Refund. It will change the Payment Status to Partial refunded


If you want to cancel an order, make sure there is nothing captured or refunded, and then you can just click Cancel. It will change the Payment status to Cancelled

Delivery Status

We are listing to Delivery status


When an order's Delivery status changes to Shipped, the full amount will be captured.

Vipps MobilePay delivery status shipped Vipps MobilePay delivery Vipps MobilePay shipped status


When an order's Delivery status changes to Returned, the full amount will be refunded

Vipps MobilePay delivery status returned Vipps MobilePay delivery Vipps MobilePay returned status

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