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Enhanced logging

Enable enhanced logging

Go to my extensions, and then click the 3 dots for the plugin.

Configure plugin

Click configure. Select the Sales Channel where you want enhanced logging.

Scroll down to Vipps MobilePay Settings, where you will see Enable enhanced logging.

Enable enhanced logging

Click Enable enhanced logging and clear the cache.

It's now possible to see all the logs https://<domain>/admin#/sw/settings/logging/list or Settings -> System -> Event logs.

For example, a log could look like this:

Example log

This is the content that gets set in the logging:

'message' => $event,
'context' => $context,
'level' => $level,
'channel' => self::LOG_CHANNEL

Logging level table

LevelMessageCodeShows by defaultShows with enhanced logging
DebugDetailed debug information100
WarningExceptional occurrences that are not errors.
(e.g., use of deprecated APIs)
ErrorRuntime errors400
CriticalCritical conditions500

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