Technical update 2019-11
This update was sent 2019-11-19.
Vipps eCom v1 API to be phased out 2020-06-01
The eCom API v1 was superseded by the eCom v2 API around two years ago. The eCom v2 API has all the functionality of eCom v1, and there is no reason for not upgrading to eCom v2.
Vipps InApp API to be phased out 2019-12-31
This was communicated July, but we mention it again, just in case.
API products: Vipps API
Vipps has previously had separate API keys for each API product, and a set of API keys were directly linked to one sales unit. This meant that customers needed to keep track of multiple API keys, and that access to a new API required a new sales unit.
This is no longer the case: The Vipps-API product give access to all current APIs, and the API keys for the Vipps eCom v1 and v2 APIs have been “upgraded” to include the same APIs as Vipps API.
See more details in Getting Started.
API lifecycle
We are working on this, and the current version/draft is available on GitHub.
New developer pages, in addition to GitHub, are available at (previous link is no longer available - see technical documentation).
Status page for test and production
We will soon launch status pages. See Status pages.
Further plans
We are working on more developer resources, including a data API and a developer dashboard. We cannot provide any dates yet, but we welcome input.
Questions or comments?
We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Please create GitHub issues or pull requests for the relevant API, or contact us.