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Technical update 2020-12

This update was sent in December 2020.

The eCom API v1 is disabled​

After several extensions to the original June 1 deadline, the eCom API v1 was shut down on December 4. The eCom API v2 has been available for about three years, and offers more functionality than the old version.

Vipps Login improvements 🎉​

Vipps Login now lets merchants control the login experience on phones: The merchant can choose whether the user should be automatically taken back to the browser after completing an authentication in the Vipps app. We have also added a specific flow for integrations with apps.

To have a unified way of providing user information across Vipps services we are standardizing the data formats, both within Vipps and with the OIDC standard. To do this we have been required to introduce a new version of our Login API. The previous version (Version 1) of the Login API will have end of life on 2021-02-28.

Vipps HTTP Headers ℹī¸â€‹

We recommend using the following optional HTTP headers for all requests to the eCom API and the Recurring API.

HeaderDescriptionExample value
Merchant-Serial-NumberThe merchant serial number123456
Vipps-System-NameThe name of the ecommerce solutionWooCommerce
Vipps-System-VersionThe version number of the ecommerce solution5.4
Vipps-System-Plugin-NameThe name of the ecommerce pluginwoocommerce-payment
Vipps-System-Plugin-VersionThe version number of the ecommerce plugin1.4.1

These headers provide useful metadata about the merchant's system, which help Vipps improve our services, and also help in investigating problems.

API Dashboard đŸšĻ​

We are working on an API Dashboard that will be available under Utvikler on the portal. The API Dashboard will make it easier for integrators to find errors and possible improvements in the use of the APIs.

The MVP will show the statuses for the most recent API calls, making it possible to see trends and areas to investigate.

Once the initial version is available, we are very interested in suggestions for improvement. You can even start suggesting features now: Please create one issue per suggestion/wish in the vipps-developers repo on GitHub.

Suggest improvements, get a pair of Vipps socks đŸ§Ļ​

Vipps socks orange

We appreciate all suggestions for improvement to our development platform, including complaints! To encourage this, we will send two (2) Vipps socks to everyone that creates a (somewhat meaningful) issue or PR for our API documentation before 2021-01-31.

What to do:

  1. Create an issue or PR in the appropriate GitHub repo.
  2. Wait for our comment (it may not be immediate).
  3. If we think it's "OK", we will ask you to email us with your address.

While we are keen to fix even the tiniest typos, we hope to get as many "real" improvements as possible and not drown in microscopic issues, so: Be smart. Thanks!

If we get more improvements than the number of socks we have, we will do a scientifically randomized drawing.

Do you want a Slack channel? đŸ“ĸ​

We can set up a dedicated, temporary Slack channel to help fast-track your Vipps development. Email with a list of email addresses to invite, with the same people on CC. We fix the rest.

This does, unfortunately, not apply to customers using one of our plugins, or customers using Vipps through a partner.

Do you want a technical workshop? 🛠​

We can set up a dedicated video workshop to help fast-track your Vipps development. Email with a list of email addresses to invite, with the same people on CC. We fix the rest.

This does, unfortunately, not apply to customers using one of our plugins, or customers using Vipps through a partner.


We have mentioned some things before, and take this opportunity to remind you:

API lifecycle​

Our API lifecycle policy is available on GitHub.

Status pages for test and production environments​

See Status pages.

How to get help quickly​

Please see this page.

Technical updates archive​

Please see: technical updates

Questions or comments?​

We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Please create GitHub issues or pull requests for the relevant API, or contact us.

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