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Technical update 2021-04

This update was sent in April 2021.

"Click and collect" recommendations

For "click and collect" we recommend to use staticShippingDetails (to avoid the extra HTTP roundtrip where Vipps asks the merchant for the shipping options and prices) and also to set the default shipping method to "Click and collect".

This will significantly speed up the payment process for customers.

This is done in the POST:​/ecomm​/v2​/payments call by including:

"staticShippingDetails": [
"isDefault": "Y",
"priority": 0,
"shippingCost": 0,
"shippingMethod": "Click and collect",
"shippingMethodId": "click-and-collect"

Recurring payments and campaigns

Tip: Use Campaigns if the subscription is cheaper in the beginning, such as "One month for 10 NOK" and then the normal price.

If you use initialcharge, users will be confused by how it appears in Vipps, as it looks like the full price period starts immediately. Initial charge should be used for situations where the customer pays for a phone and a phone subscription, and the first payment includes the phone.

See more details and screenshots here: When to use campaigns or initial charge.

Easier to use Userinfo

The authentication is now much easier, with no need for additional keys, both for the eCom and Recurring APIs. See the call by call guides:

New date limits for capture and cancel

Payments can be captured up to 365 days after reservation, and can be cancelled up to 180 days after reservation. Attempts at capturing and cancelling older payments will result in a HTTP 400 Bad Request with more details in the request body.

Partner keys

If you are a Vipps partner and manage transactions on behalf of other Vipps merchants you can use your own credentials to authenticate, and then send the Merchant-Serial-Number header to identify which of your merchants you are acting on behalf of.

The same set of partner keys can be used for both the eCom API and the Recurring API, including the Userinfo endpoints for both.

See: Partner keys

PSP Signup API

Payment Service Providers can use their existing API keys with the PSP Signup API to:

  • List all or one merchant(s) under them
  • Create a new merchant under them
  • Update an existing merchant

See: PSP Signup API.

Order new products and create new sales units on the portal

All customers can now log in on the portal and order new products, which automatically creates a new sales unit:

Create new sales units in the test environment

You can create new sales units in the test environment on the portal:

On the page with the API keys for the test environment there is a button for creating additional sales units, and you can then select "direct capture" or "reserve capture", and also skipLandingPage.

This is available for all customers, also those that do not yet have any API access.


We have mentioned some things before, and take this opportunity to remind you:

Please update your plugins

Several of our plugins have been updated to use the newest versions of our APIs. Please make sure you have the newest version of the plugins you use, and keep them up to date. See the plugin overview.

Use Userinfo

Vipps Hurtigkasse is for shipping products to the customer. Some use it for other purposes, but if no products are shipped, you should not ask the customer for address and shipping method.

You should avoid asking the customer in a pub for the shipping method for the drinks, etc.

Instead: Use Userinfo to ask for the user's details, such as: phone number, name, email address, postal address, birthdate, national identity number and bank accounts. The user must of course consent to sharing the information.

See Userinfo for eCom and Userinfo for Recurring.

API Dashboard 🚦

UPDATE from 2024-01-12: The API Dashboard is deprecated.

The API Dashboard is now available on the portal in the Utvikler section. It lets you see if there are problems with your use of APIs. Here's an example:

API Dashboard example

This is just the start. Please let us know what you think and suggest improvements.

Vipps HTTP Headers ℹ️

We recommend using the following optional HTTP headers for all requests to the eCom API and the Recurring API.

HeaderDescriptionExample value
Merchant-Serial-NumberThe merchant serial number123456
Vipps-System-NameThe name of the ecommerce solutionWooCommerce
Vipps-System-VersionThe version number of the ecommerce solution5.4
Vipps-System-Plugin-NameThe name of the ecommerce pluginwoocommerce-payment
Vipps-System-Plugin-VersionThe version number of the ecommerce plugin1.4.1

These headers provide useful metadata about the merchant's system, which help Vipps improve our services, and also help in investigating problems.

How to get help quickly

Please see the contact us page.

Technical updates archive

Please see: technical updates

Questions or comments?

We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Please create GitHub issues or pull requests for the relevant API, or contact us.

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