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Technical update 2022-01

This update was sent in January 2022.

Please check your eCom API calls

We are working on eliminating incorrect API use. Although we always respond to incorrect API calls with a sensible HTTP status (usually HTTP 400 Bad Request) and an informative error message in the response body, we see that some merchant and partners keep making incorrect API calls.


  • Monitor the responses you get when making API calls
  • Log all errors
  • Fix errors as quickly as possible
  • Use the API Dashboard
  • Contact us if there is anything we can help with

One example: Far too many calls to POST:/ecomm/v2/payments use an incorrectly formatted phone number. The effect is that the user's phone number is not correctly prefilled on the landing page.

Please make sure you send the mobileNumber in 12345678 format, not +47 91 23 45 67 or something else. We have previously tried to respond with HTTP 400 Bad Request (as we should) for incorrectly formatted phone numbers, but that broke a lot of integrations, so we decided to accept the incorrect API calls even though they give a poor user experience.


Recurring API: The "PROCESSING" status

We would like to emphasize: With the Recurring API merchants ask Vipps to make the charges, and Vipps MobilePay handles everything for the merchant.

Vipps MobilePay does not "leak" the customers' information about insufficient funds, blocked cards, etc. Users are informed about all such problems in Vipps, which is the only place they can be corrected. The merchant's customer service should always ask the user to check in Vipps if a charge has failed.

We have, for a while, attempted to give the merchant up-to-date information about the status of the charge, with failureReason and failureDescription, but this causes more confusion than clarity: Even if one charge attempt fails, the charge itself has not failed until all the attempts are completed. We will therefore continue to use PROCESSING, as we have done, but until all* charge attempts have been made.

The status of a charge will be PROCESSING while Vipps MobilePay is taking care of business, from the due date until the charge has succeeded, or until the retryDays have passed without a successful charge. The final status will be CHARGED or FAILED. See the Recurring API documentation for more details.

We are also working on providing an event log for each chargeId, so merchants can get some information, especially if a charge ends as FAILED.

Vipps Login directly from phone number and QR code

The Login API now supports merchant-initiated logins using the user's phone number, and by users scanning a QR code.

  • Vipps Login directly from phone number is a "Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication" (CIBA) flow where authentication/registration does not start in a browser or an app, but is initiated by the merchant, using the user's phone number. The user simply confirms in Vipps. This is typically in physical contexts like point of sales (POS), on the phone in call center solutions, or using devices/terminals like TV boxes. The user can either get a confirmation in Vipps, or be taken to the merchant's confirmation page in a browser.
  • Vipps Login directly from QR code allows the user to scan a QR code with the phone's camera or with Vipps and register or log in directly. The user can either get a confirmation in Vipps, or be taken to the merchant's confirmation page in a browser. This can be used in marketing, from posters, screens etc.


Deprecation of the Vipps Signup API

The old API that a few partners still use to sign up new merchants will be phased out. See Deprecation of the Vipps Signup API and Vipps Partners.


Use the API Dashboard to find problems with your integration

UPDATE from 2024-01-12: The API Dashboard is deprecated.

The API Dashboard is available to all merchants for both the production and test environments, and is an easy way to see if you are using the APIs correctly. Think of it as a "health check", that you can use to see if there are any problems you need to investigate.

See it on the portal in the Utvikler section. Here's an example for the eCom API's /refund endpoint:

API Dashboard example

Use Status page to get information about incidents

Vipps uses Status page to inform about problems, planned maintenance, etc. You can subscribe to get all updates, and also subscribe to specific incidents.

One example: Apache Log4j vulnerability – No impact to Vipps.


status pages.

Omikron tips

These solutions are extra relevant (again):

Vipps Hurtigkasse: Use the explicit flow

When users are prompted to select shipping address and shipping address, the explicit flow is strongly recommended. The user then has to actively select shipping address and shipping method.

The "old" flow does not prompt the user in the same way, and some users do not notice that they select an incorrect/old/outdated address.

Using the explicit flow is simple: Just specify "useExplicitCheckoutFlow": true in POST:/ecomm/v2/payments.

See "Old and new express checkout flow" (URL no longer available) for more details.

Use Userinfo to register visitors when they pay

For guest registration/tracking: Use Userinfo to ask for the user's details, such as: phone number, name, email address, postal address, birthdate, national identity number and bank accounts. The user must of course consent to sharing the information.

See Userinfo for eCom and Userinfo for Recurring.

"Click and collect" recommendations

For "click and collect" we recommend to use staticShippingDetails (to avoid the extra HTTP roundtrip where Vipps asks the merchant for the shipping options and prices) and also to set the default shipping method to "Click and collect".

This will significantly speed up the payment process for customers.

This is done in the POST:​/ecomm​/v2​/payments call by including:

"staticShippingDetails": [
"isDefault": "Y",
"priority": 0,
"shippingCost": 0,
"shippingMethod": "Click and collect",
"shippingMethodId": "click-and-collect"

Technical updates archive

All the previous technical updates are in the Technical updates archive.

Questions or comments?

We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Please create GitHub issues or pull requests for the relevant API, or contact us.

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