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Technical update 2022-12

This update was sent in December 2022.

Checkout API v3

The Checkout API v3 is available. Checkout v3 improves upon v2 through alignment of polling and callback responses, improvement of field names and expanding models related to logistics options to permit more advanced features.

For more information, check out our migration guide

Recurring API v3

The Recurring API v3 is available. This version includes new and improved functionality for campaigns (for example "10 weeks for 10 NOK" or "1 NOK until Christmas"), the possibility to reserve and capture (or partially capture) a charge (specially important for physical subscriptions) and several technical improvements.

Upgrading to v3 requires some technical changes, but the overall flow and logic is the same as in v2. We have made it as easy as possible to upgrade. See the migration guide and the quick start for more details. For now the Recurring API v2 will continue to work, but will not support the new functionality.

Improvements in button text for agreements without initial charge:

  • When an agreement does not have an initial charge, the button text will be Bekreft og start ("Confirm and start").
  • The button text for agreements with initial charge is Betal og start ("Pay and start").

Important: The Recurring API v2 API will be phased out and will not be available from 2023-11-01.

ePayment API

The API specification for the ePayment API is now available.

Please note: While the API functionality is implemented, the API documentation is still a work in progress. We aim to have the API guide, etc. ready in early January.


The new Solutions (now called "Recommended flows") section of our developer documentation describes best practice for combining APIs for specific use cases, like:

  • Loyalty at the point of sale (POS)
  • Electric vehicle charging
  • Parking

Updated emails to new merchants (and partners)

We have updated and improved all emails sent as part of becoming a Vipps merchant (the onboarding process). They all use the Vipps design, and contain:

  • The merchant's organization number
  • The merchant's name
  • The sales unit's MSN
  • The sales unit's name


Please check your API calls for errors

UPDATE from 2024-01-12: The API Dashboard is deprecated.

We are working on eliminating incorrect API use. Please:

  • Monitor the responses you get when making API calls
  • Log all errors
  • Fix errors as quickly as possible
  • Use the API Dashboard to find problems with your integration.

API Dashboard example

UPDATE from 2024-01-12: The API Dashboard is deprecated.

Questions or comments?

We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Please create GitHub issues or pull requests for the relevant API, or contact us.

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