Technical update 2024-01
This update was sent in January 2024.
Business portal updates
We have updated the business portal. From 2024-01-23, it has a new address:
The old link will redirect to the new location for some time.
Report API available now
The Report API is primarily for accounting partners who will use the API to integrate with their accounting systems, allowing them to provide the accounting information to their merchants.
Merchants simply give access to the accounting partner on without doing any development themselves. Accounting partners use their accounting keys to retrieve data for all merchants that have selected them as their accounting partner.
Please note: The SFTP service is deprecated and will stop working on 2024-03-01.
Checkout is ready for integration in Finland
Vipps MobilePay Checkout is a complete payment solution with MobilePay, VISA, and MasterCard which includes customer info retrieval and shipping selection
Please note: It is not possible to start accepting payments until after the Vipps MobilePay joint platform launch.
New SDK is available
We are working a new Vipps MobilePay SDK for use in Deno, Node, and other JavaScript runtimes. This beta version provides access to authorization, handling checkout sessions, ePayments, recurring payments, callback QRs, redirect QRs, login, and webhooks.
See the SDKs section for details.
Status pages are moving
We have updated the Vipps operational status pages:
- Production environment:
- Test environment:
We strongly recommend that you subscribe to get notifications from these pages.
Documentation updates
Here are some highlights from developer documentation:
- We've merged the Common topics and FAQs into a new Knowledge base section, where you can more easily find your topics, and once there, find everything you need to know.
- The MobilePay migration guides are continually improving.
- We've rewritten the SDK documentation and restructured it into one page.
- There's a new global changelog where we can begin to record changes to the infrastructure (e.g., changes to the app, landing page, status pages, business portal, etc.).
- The front page and sidebars are updated to improve usability.
- The pages now have a small feedback form at the bottom. Please let us know what's good and what needs improvements.
In addition, we've restructured our documentation. We previously had several public GitHub repositories (e.g., one for each API, SDK, and major section). Now, all of these have been merged into one place.
Questions or comments?
We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Please contact us.