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Event types

The Webhooks API sends out events for the following APIs.

ePayment API event types​

We support up to 25 webhook registrations per event per MSN. For more details, see webhook limits.

NameEvent Type

The payload format is:

string (MSNType) [ 4 .. 7 ] characters ^[0-9]{4,7}$

The merchant serial number (MSN) for the sales unit.

string (ReferenceType) [ 8 .. 64 ] characters ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{8,64}$

The reference is the unique identifier for the payment, specified when initiating the payment. The reference must be unique for the sales unit (MSN), but is not globally unique, so several MSNs may use the same reference. See the recommendations.

string (PspReference)

Reference value for a payment, defined by Vipps MobilePay. Each payment operation (capture, refund, etc.) will have a unique pspReference.

string (PaymentEventName)
object (Amount)

Amount object, containing a value and a currency.

string <date-time>
string or null

The Idempotency key of the request.


The outcome of this payment operation: true means that the operation was successful.

  • "msn": "1234567",
  • "reference": "acme-shop-123-order123abc",
  • "pspReference": "3343121302",
  • "name": "AUTHORIZED",
  • "amount": {
  • "timestamp": "2024-12-31T00:00:00Z",
  • "idempotencyKey": "string",
  • "success": true

For more details, see ePayment Webhooks.

Login API event types​

We support up to 25 webhook registrations per event per MSN.

NameEvent Type

The payload will contain:

auth_req_idStringThe auth_req_id that identifies the login.

For more details, see Login Webhooks.

QR API event types​

We support up to one webhook registration per event per MSN. For more about these limits, see webhook limits.

NameEvent Type

The payload format is:

customerTokenBase64 stringA reference to the customer. Should be used when initiating a payment through the ePayment API. Token is valid for 15 minutes.
merchantQrIdstringThe ID of the QR code that has been scanned which is defined by the merchant when the QR was created.
msnstringMerchant serial number. A unique ID of the sales unit to which the scanned QR belongs.
initiatedAtUTC Timestamp in ISO 8601 formatThe timestamp of when the customer scanned the QR.

For more details, see QR Webhooks.

Recurring API event types​

We support up to 25 webhook registrations per event type per MSN. For more about these limits, see webhook limits.

Agreement webhook event types​

NameEvent Type
Agreement acceptedrecurring.agreement-activated.v1
Agreement rejectedrecurring.agreement-rejected.v1
Agreement stoppedrecurring.agreement-stopped.v1
Agreement expiredrecurring.agreement-expired.v1

Payload properties may include:

Field nameTypeDescriptionPossible values
agreementIdstringID of an agreementagr_kFW4chk
agreementUUIDUUIDID of an agreement82ce990f-d08a-448c-bd26-ee6be8418d06
agreementExternalIdnullable stringMerchant provided external ID of agreementExtId123
eventTypeenumIndicates what has happened to an agreementValues provided in a table above
occurredISO 8601 UTC dateWhen change has occurred2023-10-10T13:30:36.079765975Z
actornullable enumIndicates who has initiated action. Applicable only for recurring.agreement-stopped.v1 webhook.MERCHANT, USER, ADMIN
msnstringMerchant Serial Number (MSN)119145

Charge webhook event types​

NameEvent Type
Charge reservedrecurring.charge-reserved.v1
Charge capturedrecurring.charge-captured.v1
Charge cancelledrecurring.charge-canceled.v1
Charge failedrecurring.charge-failed.v1
Charge failed on creationrecurring.charge-creation-failed.v1

Payload properties may include:

Field nameTypeDescriptionPossible values
agreementIdstringID of an agreementagr_kFW4chk
chargeExternalIdnullable stringMerchant provided external ID of chargeExtId123
chargeIdstringID of a charge82ce990f-d08a-448c-bd26-ee6be8418d06
amountnumberAmount of charge in ΓΈre (NOK, DKK) or cents (EUR)300
chargeTypeenumIndicates type of chargeRECURRING, INITIAL, UNSCHEDULED
eventTypeenumIndicates what has happened to a chargeValues provided in a table above
currencyenumCurrency of chargeDKK, NOK, EUR
occurredISO 8601 UTC dateWhen change has occurred2023-10-10T13:30:36.079765975Z
amountCapturednumberAmount of payment that was captured100
amountCancelednumberAmount of charge that was canceled200
amountRefundednumberAmount of charge that was refunded100
failureCodenullable numberCode of an error during async creationListed below
failureText (deprecated)nullable stringExplanation of an error during async creationListed below
failureReasonnullable stringExplanation of an errorListed below
msnstringMerchant Serial Number (MSN)119145

Possible failureCode values with explanation. This field is only present if the charge has failed async validation and was created using the multiple charge creation endpoint: POST:/recurring/v3/agreements/charges.

Failure codeExplanation
50006Unspecified exception during charge creation
50003Charge is requested for non-active agreement
70001Charge amount is 5 times higher than fixed amount agreement's amount
70002Trying to create charge with same idempotency key more than once
70004Due date is too far in the future
70005Due date is too soon

Possible failureReason values

Failure codeExplanation
user_action_requiredThe user has to fix something on their agreement, e.g. their payment source
charge_amount_too_highCharge amount exceeds the users allowed max amount
technical_errorSomething went wrong
non_technical_errorE.g. user no longer exist

For more details, see: Recurring Webhooks.

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