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Quick start

Before you begin

The provided example values in this guide must be changed with the values for your sales unit and user. This applies for API keys, HTTP headers, reference, phone number, etc.

Step 1 - Setup

You must have already signed up as an organization with Vipps MobilePay and have your test credentials from the merchant portal. See Getting started guide for help.

Get these API key values for your sales unit:

  • client_id - Client_id for a test sales unit.
  • client_secret - Client_id for a test sales unit.
  • Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key - Subscription key for a test sales unit.
  • merchantSerialNumber - The unique ID for a test sales unit.

See How to find the API keys.

You will also need:

  • callbackUrl - An HTTPS URL that can receive a POST request callback.

No setup needed.

Step 2 - Authentication

For the following steps, you will need an access_token from the Access token API: POST:/accesstoken/get. This provides you with access to the API.

curl -X POST '' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H 'client_id: YOUR-CLIENT-ID' \
-H 'client_secret: YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET' \
-H 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-KEY' \
-H 'Merchant-Serial-Number: YOUR-MSN' \
-H 'Vipps-System-Name: acme' \
-H 'Vipps-System-Version: 3.1.2' \
-H 'Vipps-System-Plugin-Name: acme-webshop' \
-H 'Vipps-System-Plugin-Version: 4.5.6' \
--data ''

Replace the value of the Vipps-System headers with your own values. See HTTP headers for more details.


When a partner uses partner keys for requests that are not for a specific merchant, the Merchant-Serial-Number can be omitted.

The property access_token should be used for all other API requests in the Authorization header as the Bearer token.

Step 3 - Register a webhook on the ePayment API capture event

curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN" \
-H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-KEY" \
-H "Merchant-Serial-Number: YOUR-MSN" \
-H "Vipps-System-Name: acme" \
-H "Vipps-System-Version: 3.1.2" \
-H "Vipps-System-Plugin-Name: acme-webshop" \
-H "Vipps-System-Plugin-Version: 4.5.6" \
--data '{
"url": "<CALLBACK-URL>",
"events": ["epayments.payment.captured.v1"]

Step 4 - Get all webhooks

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN" \
-H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-KEY" \
-H "Merchant-Serial-Number: YOUR-MSN" \
-H "Vipps-System-Name: acme" \
-H "Vipps-System-Version: 3.1.2" \
-H "Vipps-System-Plugin-Name: acme-webshop" \
-H "Vipps-System-Plugin-Version: 4.5.6" \
--data ''

Step 5 - Delete webhook

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN" \
-H 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-KEY' \
-H 'Merchant-Serial-Number: YOUR-MSN' \
-H 'Vipps-System-Name: acme' \
-H 'Vipps-System-Version: 3.1.2' \
-H 'Vipps-System-Plugin-Name: acme-webshop' \
-H 'Vipps-System-Plugin-Version: 4.5.6' \
--data ''

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