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Knowledge base

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Welcome to the Vipps MobilePay knowledge base!

Here you will find a collection of information for setting up Vipps and MobilePay as a payment or login provider for your store or website.

Introductory information

👉 You might also check out the step-by-step guide to getting started.

Developer resources

  • Merchant portal - Git tips about logging into the portal for getting API keys and managing sales units.
  • Status pages - Get notifications about disruptions in Vipps MobilePay services.
  • Servers - Get server addresses for making Vipps MobilePay API calls.
  • Demo store - Test out the different payment flows with a real Vipps or MobilePay app.

Design guidelines and assets

API basics

  • API keys - Find out what API keys are and how to get your API keys.
  • Test environment - How to set up for testing the Vipps MobilePay APIs.
  • Authentication - How to get authentication for API requests.
  • HTTP headers - Headers to use in all your API requests.
  • HTTP response codes and errors - HTTP statuses returned in API responses and the standard response body format for our error messages.
  • QR codes - Different types of Vipps MobilePay QR codes.
  • API lifecycle - General advice about API versioning and deprecation.

Payment concepts

  • Payments - The payment request screen and receipt details in the Vipps MobilePay app. Payment use cases, success rates, card payments, and common problems.
  • Reserve and capture - The difference between reserving and capturing a payment.
  • Cancellations - Ways to cancel a payment.
  • Refunds - About payment refunds.
  • Settlements - How settlements are processed by Vipps MobilePay.


Detailed technical recommendations

Other topics

  • Partner information - For members of the partner program, find all partner-related information.
  • Plugins - See the options for using a Vipps MobilePay plugin for your webshop.

If you aren't sure what to do next, see the Getting started page.

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