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User initiated login

Let your customers log in to your website or app without the need for usernames and passwords.

For technical documentation, see the Login API Guide.

We also have How it works for Merchant initiated login

The login process

login process

The first time using Login

1. Log in with Vipps or MobilePay

A user chooses to log in with Vipps or MobilePay on a merchant’s site.

Buy subscription with Vipps

2. The landing page

If the login was started on a desktop device, the user will be sent to the landing page. If the user is not remembered in browser from earlier, the user enters their phone number and can choose to be remembered in the browser for a quicker login the next time. The "Remember me in browser" option applies to the browser, independent of merchants. This option is default off on desktop devices.

The user is then prompted to log in with their Vipps or MobilePay app and follow the instructions there.

If the login was started from a mobile device and the user needs to authenticate in the app, the user will confirm to be taken to the app without entering their phone number.

landing page

3. E-mail verification (first time only)

If the merchant has requested the user's e-mail address, the user must verify their e-mail address in their app for the first time they use Login, or if they change their e-mail address at a later time.

The user can see and change their registered e-mail addresses. This is only necessary to do once. If the merchant hasn't requested the user's e-mail address, this step is skipped.

Accept agreement

4. Confirm login

The user confirms the login in the Vipps or MobilePay app.

If the login was started on a phone, the user can in this step choose to be remembered in the browser for a quicker registration or login the next time. The "Remember me in browser" option is default on for mobile devices.

If the login was started on desktop, the user confirms that the emoji in the app matches the one on the landing page, and confirms the login.

Confirmation of subscription

The user gives consent to share information with the merchant.

The user may click "See your information" to see the actual information that will be shared, but this is optional.

Overview of agreements

6. Marketing consents (optional)

The merchant may choose to include the delegatedConsents scope to collect consents from the end user. If the scope is included in the request, the end user will be asked to give consents according to merchant specifications. This happens regardless if the user has given consent to share information with the merchant before. This means that this flow is most suitable for registration type flows, not for login flows.

Initial marketing consents screenMarketing consents approved
User sees marketing consents in the browserUser confirm marketing consents in the browser

Some elements on the marketing consents screen can be adjusted to fit the merchant's needs:

  • The consents wanted by the merchant (see more When using marketing consents, which consents are supported?). These can be individually specified to be mandatory or optional. Mandatory consents must be ticked before the user can complete the login flow. See what consents we currently support, or reach out if you need something else, and we'll see what we can do!
  • A bottom text where we provide some contextual information for the end user. The text is fixed, but the links will point to the merchant's terms and conditions, as well as privacy statement.

7. Logged in

The user is now logged in on the merchant’s page.

The user may be given the opportunity to edit the information, for instance to add additional details not present in the user's Vipps or MobilePay profile.

Overview of agreements

Great! Now you know how the Login process works.

Take a look at the technical documentation in the Login API Guide.

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